"...Okinawa Peace Scholarship..."
I was thrilled. The Okinawa Peace Scholarship only offers 10 students nationwide of the United States the scholarship--what's more to that was that it was a full scholarship (with the exception of visa fees, overweight luggage, etc.) but all I had to do was to make a $2000 contribution. Not bad, it's better than paying the regular price of $6000. I had never won such a scholarship in my life before, and today marked the first day I did. Let alone, never won one with so much value that would soon take me to my dreams.
Part of the letter is attached for you to see, the exact thing I saw I opened my envelope the second time

I was a YFU member now--something I yearned for the Summer of 2007 when I couldn't apply because the deadline was passed. I waited one year for this, and took advantage of that year by learning the Japanese culture and language. Though I feel as if I'm not ready, I want to go now! :) Especially after 3 months of doubt on the scholarships (I applied to 9)...
My mom entered, I gave the biggest hug after I told her I had been accepted. She smiled and was amazed. It was one of the happiest days of my life--imagine, that you receive a letter saying that you will finally fulfill one of your dreams.
Details of the trip---
San Jose, California → Okinawa, Japan // Summer 2008
I will be leaving June 8, 2008 on Sunday of the finals week at my school (after attending the final orientation at San Jose State University), therefore, I'd have to request and early release and straighten things out with my teachers (i.e. homework assignments due after the date) and I will be returning on July 24, 2008. I will try my best to describe each day on my journey.
I have an orientation at San Francisco on May 17, 2008 concerning the YFU program. I will have to get my books at school for next year, return my current textbooks, do homework over the stay (especially AP homework) and type a report to the Japanese Embassy on my homestay before I come back to the U.S. Oh and one more thing, make a presentation to the school about it. ;)
Things in my mind:
-> AP Exam (Biology--ugh!), Wish me luck!
-> Fundraise as much as possible up to $2000 (car wash!)
-> Spending some family time after such a harsh week of STAR (Standardized Testing And
-> Learn Japanese, talk with Penpal :)
日本語を勉強する、友達としゃべります! (´∀`)
See you next time :)
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