Sunday, May 25, 2008

SF Orientation

On Saturday, May 17, I attended the non-country specific orientations for students traveling abroad with YFU. It took us quite a while to find where the orientation was set up in Fort Manson partly because we arrived too early. But nonetheless, the YFU staff came and other students arrived one by one. One person who arrived after me was a young man named Kevin arriving with his dad. We were quiet of course, shy to say anything until our parents started striking up a conversation with each other, then we followed suit starting out with questions like, "So... what country are you going to?" Turns out we're both going to Japan, but he doesn't know where specifically because his scholarship doesn't say unlike mines (which was Okinawa Peace Scholarship--Gee, I wonder where I'm going!). We turned into good friends at the orientation and stuck with each other throughout the orientation. Once all of the 15 or so people arrived (some as late as a quarter of an hour), we did icebreakers by playing a game similar to the one played in Leadership class back in Independence High School (Game: "Shuffle your buns if you..."). Thus, there's really nothing much to say because it's just like any other orientation, except that it wasn't boring like at school (*cough* like Link Crew *cough*). We discussed topics such as traveling, clothes, program rules, etc... And the extremely cold day ended with some fog rolling over the SF Bay despite it was 80-something degrees in San Jose.

--Sorry! I didn't take pictures of the orientation because it seems awkward and I didn't bring my camera.

Orientation Details:

Now yesterday (May 24, 2008), I received my second letter from YFU describing the tentative schedule at San Jose State University. You can see the schedules here (click on pictures):

- - - -Page 1 - - - - Page 2- - -

Seems fun. I can't wait any longer, but I still have to focus on 2 more weeks of schoolwork to maintain my grades. Along came with the letter were other information on what (and not) to bring, visa requirements (none needed), and other traveling informative sheets.

You can see some scanned samples here by clicking on the image:

Until then, I'm:
o Working to keep my grades
o Waiting for my Ticket (plane)
o Waiting for my host family information
o Trying to find a 3-prong to 2-prong electrical plug converter
o Planning to start packing soon
o Excited and will miss you all! (because on June 11th, I'm no longer an American!)

Please post comments, I would love to read them! But also be aware of the fact that teachers, as well as adults (parents, counselors, etc.) may be able to view them.

Friday, May 16, 2008

More Program Dates

Today on a hot 102°F day at my house, I returned home from school by bus and found tons of mail upon opening my front door. I sorted through them, and had a gut feeling there's something for me since there were so many large envelopes (voting-by-mail) until the standard-sized YFU letter caught my eye. I then brought all the mail to our dining table and opened my letter, where I found program dates and a confusing paragraph on where my orientation will take place.

The following dates are the basic dates provided by YFU:

June 8 - Fly from San Jose to San Francisco for pre-departure orientation
June 11 - Fly to Tokyo to begin program (then to Okinawa on later flight)
July 24 - Return from Tokyo to San Jose

Then they said after arriving at the airport, I will be assisted by staff to go to the orientation site in San Jose. (Huh?? I take a 5 hour flight from SJC to SFO [because of the connecting flight in LA or Houston] then go back to San Jose?) Took me 15 minutes to understand that, and I felt stupid for not reading the following paragraph explaining to me that if I lived in SF/SJ Bay Area, then I would have to take my own ride to San Jose State University (SJSU). Now that makes sense, otherwise, I would've wasted 5 hours on a silly flight. :) The orientation will last 3 days (where I HOPE to meet my cousin, Leslie, attending school there) before going back to SFO Intl. Airport for my departure to Tokyo.

I guess that's about it; I should get started on packing and what I need to bring while waiting for my air ticket to be mailed and to confirm I have the required travel documents to travel. Oh, I am also waiting for a confirmation letter securing my flight on June 11 to Tokyo.

Tomorrow's the big day to SFO for a non-country specific orientation for YFU students, I'll be skipping my practice SAT test exam and church school ;)

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

AP Testing is over!

First, the school life...

Yes, I've finished my AP Biology testing. Very hard multiple choice questions, but essay was a bit of a breeze. It's just the SAT II Subject Test: Biology Exam in the way now, with a few homework, quizes and tests from other teachers until the end of the school year.

Right now, I'm waiting for my AP teachers next year to hand me their textbooks and give me their summer assignments because I won't be available over the summer to collect my textbook and my summer homework, so I'm getting it early. However, my AP Biology class is still doing a reading assignment on a book (cadavers; how scary :O) while I'm away, therefore I once again have to buy another book and read it over on the plane or in Japan. I hope my host family doesn't think I'm a strange person for reading such a book ;)

YFU Program Update

Nothing new now, I'm still anxiously waiting for the San Francisco Orientation on May 17 (this Saturday). I'll be proudly wearing my acceptance shirt (sorry! I just need some pride after getting beat down by exams, tests and all the other grade-threatening paperwork) on the day of the orientation!

I hope I meet some people I've met on the Cultures Shocked Forum that live in the Bay Area. According to some posts, I'll be expecting my departure ticket to SFO (KSFO) from SJC (KSJC) [why fly when you can drive there, oh well, scholarship will pay for that], then from KSFO to RJAA (Narita International Airport). We'll be staying in a hotel in Tokyo for a day then begin to pack up to go to our individual cities in Japan. I'll also be expecting to know who my host family will be a week prior to my departure, and that's almost in 23(ish) days, I believe.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Mailtime -- Acceptance letter!

Like any other day, I got home from school and relaxed until I heard my mom come home. Before I greeted her, I did my usual 'fetch the mail' and walked towards my front door. I did a quick glance scan of the mail that had dropped in front the mail slot then.. Wait, what was that? A large, plump envelope. Oh gosh, can it be? I rushed over, adrenaline running even though I didn't know who the envelope was addressed to--yet I already knew what it was. A rambling through the mail and I ravaged through the advertisements until I reached the envelope. "Jimmy Ly," it read. I nearly shrieked in joy (this is unusual for me to do this--because I never do). I quickly grabbed the rest of the mail and ran to the kitchen, dropped all the mail other than the envelope on the dinner table, grabbed my mail opener. Oh wait, I can just open it like a flap, forget about the mail opener. I literally TORE the flap quickly as if it was a present. There I did a quick glance, I saw my YFU T-Shirt, and instantly knew that I had made it. I did a little awkward dance with my adrenaline rushing as never before. But what scholarship had I received? Oh, it's not over! I might have won a partial scholarship and that's something I didn't want. I went back in the envelope and saw the words "Congratulations", and read through the rest.

"...Okinawa Peace Scholarship..."

I was thrilled. The Okinawa Peace Scholarship only offers 10 students nationwide of the United States the scholarship--what's more to that was that it was a full scholarship (with the exception of visa fees, overweight luggage, etc.) but all I had to do was to make a $2000 contribution. Not bad, it's better than paying the regular price of $6000. I had never won such a scholarship in my life before, and today marked the first day I did. Let alone, never won one with so much value that would soon take me to my dreams.

Part of the letter is attached for you to see, the exact thing I saw I opened my envelope the second time.

I was a YFU member now--something I yearned for the Summer of 2007 when I couldn't apply because the deadline was passed. I waited one year for this, and took advantage of that year by learning the Japanese culture and language. Though I feel as if I'm not ready, I want to go now! :) Especially after 3 months of doubt on the scholarships (I applied to 9)...

My mom entered, I gave the biggest hug after I told her I had been accepted. She smiled and was amazed. It was one of the happiest days of my life--imagine, that you receive a letter saying that you will finally fulfill one of your dreams.

Details of the trip---

San Jose, California → Okinawa, Japan // Summer 2008

I will be leaving June 8, 2008 on Sunday of the finals week at my school (after attending the final orientation at San Jose State University), therefore, I'd have to request and early release and straighten things out with my teachers (i.e. homework assignments due after the date) and I will be returning on July 24, 2008. I will try my best to describe each day on my journey.

I have an orientation at San Francisco on May 17, 2008 concerning the YFU program. I will have to get my books at school for next year, return my current textbooks, do homework over the stay (especially AP homework) and type a report to the Japanese Embassy on my homestay before I come back to the U.S. Oh and one more thing, make a presentation to the school about it. ;)

Things in my mind:
-> AP Exam (Biology--ugh!), Wish me luck!
-> Fundraise as much as possible up to $2000 (car wash!)
-> Spending some family time after such a harsh week of STAR (Standardized Testing And
-> Learn Japanese, talk with Penpal :)
 日本語を勉強する、友達としゃべります! (´∀`)

See you next time :)